ISO Business Risks and the Pandemic Outbreak
Although pandemics do occur occasionally; planning and preparing for a pandemic outbreak requires preparation and planning to minimize the impact of risks to businesses, employees, suppliers, consumers and global economies.
How prepared were you to react quickly and minimize your risks during the COVID-19 pandemic?
We are hearing through various registrars that their auditors are going to review risks and opportunities as well as change management and continual improvement processes in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic and have instructed our internal auditors to do the same as well.
Radian is prepared to review your organization’s actions toward this pandemic and help you identify steps you can take immediately, as well as in the near future to ensure your organization meets or continues to meet your operational needs and requirements of the ISO standard(s). We can provide guidance on updating continuity plans and provide simulated disaster recovery training. We can support your risk identification and mitigation strategy sessions.
Please let us know how we can help you.
The Radian Compliance Team